Infinite time.

by metacognizant

A short, fun little argument I’m developing. I don’t take it very seriously, as I don’t think that an infinite temporal regress is possible, but I do think that this argument would have a lot to say for it if an infinite temporal regress is an actuality.

1) Given infinite time, all broadly logical possibilities will be–and must be–actualized.
2) If they must be actualized, they are necessarily actualized.
3) It is broadly logically possible that a sentient being will arise and will come to possess all knowledge and grasp the truth value of all propositions.
4) This being is therefore omniscient.
5) If a being is omniscient, a being is omnipotent.
6) If a being is omniscient, a being is also morally perfect.
7) Because an infinite time has elapsed, this being arose an infinitely long time ago.
C) Therefore, given infinite time, there necessarily exists a being that is personal, omniscient, omnipotent, morally perfect, and has endured for infinity.

Justification for (5):
5.1) If one is omniscient, one knows all things in their entirety
5.2) If one knows all things in their entirety, one knows how to manipulate, create, and control all things, either directly or indirectly.
5.3) If one can manipulate, create, and control all things either directly or indirectly, one is omnipotent.
5C) Thus, an omniscient being is omnipotent.

Justification for (6):
6.1) An omniscient being knows all true propositions.
6.2) A being with free will will always act in a way that he judges that there is overriding reason to act–whether or not an outward action is performed depends upon the choice; whether to act or to remain idle.
6.3) An action is morally good if, all things considered, it is better to do action than it is not to do it.
6.4) There is overriding reason to do morally good actions than to refrain from doing them.
6.5) A judgment about what is and is not a morally good action is either a true or false proposition
6.6) Therefore, an omniscient being will always make judgments about overriding reasons for doing actions that are true judgments
6.7) Therefore, an omniscient and free-willed being always do a morally good action.
6C) Therefore, an omniscient being is morally perfect.
Some might like to question (6.4), but I’d like to remind everyone that it is a tautology.

A note: I’ve had a couple people reply to this blog, calling into question certain premises, even though I had explicitly stated that this argument required justification as originally presented. I chose not to allow those responses, simply because I had stated that I was going to justify the premises later, and I feel that now that the premises have been justified, all things should be solved. If you had posted a reply that I did not let through, and you feel that my justification did not address your concern, please simply repost your objection.